Well, pretty much nailed every thing I’ve been feeling and what’s funny is when I see you and read your PHENOMENAL book (everyone buy this book!) I can’t possibly fathom how you wouldn’t see yourself and this launch as successful! But then I look at my own self talk and I’ve not been nearly as kind

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You know you were in the whirlwind of your book launch when you realize you never responded to amazing comments like this one 🤦‍♀️ But actually, reading this and looking back, it gives such perspective. What a wild ride publishing a book is. And also, can't wait to do it again. Hopefully, we get to at the same time again, so we can experience it together :)

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You are doooooing it. And it is doing well. And that is that. As you know, I'm in such an upside down chapter of life and haven't completed more than 2 chapters and that crushes me because, it's a race obviously, and I want the full experience. I need you to know that YOU ARE ON PURPOSE and you are affecting lives on such a macro/micro scale that success is in process. Do you hear me? You are SUCCESSING. And I love you.

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I love you SOOOOOO much. You always have the words.

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I still haven’t finished the book, but only because it’s so fucking powerful I can only take in so much at a time. Having been in therapy for the better part of the past 20 years, shifting negative self talk is not a new concept for me. It’s something I’ve been working on over half my life (and will probably always be). The way you have put it all together though has sparked more AHA moments already than I’ve had throughout all of that time combined in regard to the topic. To say I’m grateful is a massive understatement. I hope that helped to check at least one thing off your list (not that anyone’s counting... except maybe you).

Hope to see you in TX!

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This is so deeply meaningful to me, Rachel. And, I loved finally getting to meet you in TX :)

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Same. (I think I told you, but finished it on the way there.)

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