BIG News: Want Your Self is Available to PREORDER!
I have With a cover? That you can order right NOW?? Is this real life??!
Do you ever work something up so big in your head, dream of the day it arrives, plan out every micro-moment years in advance, and then when the thing is so close to being here…you freeze?
That’s kind of how I feel writing this.
Because I care so much and am bursting with so much excitement that I just want to jump for joy and do a happy dance and tell you all the things all at once and so somehow narrowing it all down to one concise perfectish note to you feels like the hardest thing ever.
But if I take a beat, pause, and remember that I have time and that perfection is a lie and caring is essential and happy dances are always in style and I am not the most concise anyway so why try to be someone I’m not…
…I begin to ground myself and remember who this book is for.
This book is for US.
For the very first time, I am so beyond thrilled to share with you the official cover and full title of my upcoming debut book:
Want Your Self: Shift Your Self-Talk and Unearth the Strength in Who You Were All Along
Want Your Self is a pragmatic, proactive guide to help you move forward fearlessly in your life (and the world) by shifting your negative self-talk patterns.
It’s the book that’s been brewing behind the scenes for six years, but really, that’s just when I started working on the outline of the book idea itself. This book, truthfully, has been in the works since I first thought of WANT fifteen years ago, and is the culmination of over a decade of researching, discussing, speaking, writing, coaching, and generally obsessing over the intricacies of our self-talk. Why so many of us know — know!! — we should be so much kinder to ourselves, but somehow can’t seem to make shifts that last.
Because if shifting our toxic self-talk was as easy as repeating positive mantras, we’d have done it already.
Want Your Self offers an approach for deep and lasting change―a guide for becoming fluent in an inner language for loving who you are while growing into the person you were meant to become.
You can learn ALL about it on its beautiful new landing page,
(and yes, I am pumped that I snagged that URL years ago. Thank you Soul Camp Creative for bringing it to life!)

The official release date is October 3rd of this year (a Libra baby just like me!), but today kicks off the vital period of time that is…**THE PREORDER WINDOW.**
Ok, so here is the part where I get really real with you. You know when you see/hear authors talking about preorders 24/7 and it feels like preordering has become their whole personality. There’s a reason for that. Preorders are SO important — I thought I knew before this process, but honestly, I had zero idea how much they actually matter!
Most of all, beyond anything, I really really really want you to preorder this book because I believe in it more than I have ever believed in anything I’ve ever done in my 36 years of life. I believe, on a deep and visceral level, this book can help you ask yourself better questions, so that you can create answers that are not only uniquely yours, but can evolve with you over time. Because not only is everyone different, but everyone is different at different points in their lives!
By preordering now, I kid you not when I tell you that you’re making a HUGE difference in its success and ability to reach the people who need it most.
(I am now going to share all the reasons why, because I didn’t know some of these, and I think it’s a suuuper interesting peek into the way traditional book publishing works. Nerd alert? Maybe? Let’s nerd out together. Onward!)
Preorders help gauge interest in a book, signaling to publishers, booksellers, and libraries that this is a book they even want to stock in the first place (especially important for physical stores, since they only order books that they think will be super popular. How do they figure that out? They look at preorder numbers!).
Preorders also help build buzz around a book, help land big media appearances for the book, and are many times the *ONLY* chance for a book to make the Bestseller lists. Why? Literally every single preorder is pooled into the tally of Week One sales, which is used to determine bestsellers on lists like NY Times, LA Times, USA Today, etc, which usually require multiple thousands of books ordered to even be considered (Who knew? Not me!) This is especially important for debut authors like me, who don’t have the press or buzz from a previous book to rely on.

I really want Want Your Self to help as many people as possible, and a book launch really does take a village. And so, in very non-Katie fashion, I am going to muster up all my courage and belief in this little-book-that-could, and ask for your help in making the biggest splash possible.
I would be absolutely over the moon if you would preorder a copy (or a few copies, if you’re able to — I really am THAT confident you’ll love it that much and want to gift it out to your friends!) from one of the booksellers listed on the Want Your Self landing page.
Now, I don’t throw a party without party favors, and this book launch is a PARTY. Meaning, you get party favors! I’ve created some interactive bonuses you’ll get as a thank-you when you preorder — and I made sure they’d be ones I’d want if I was preordering a book. I think they’re super fun :) Plus, you’re giving your future self a pretty awesome gift!
Go HERE to order from your favorite bookseller:SHARE FAR AND WIDE AND BACK AGAIN
If you’re on social media or have a newsletter, I would also be SO thrilled if you shared with your own communities! You can share one of the photos from this email, reshare a post of mine (check my latest on Facebook and Instagram), or get creative and create your own!
NOTE: make sure to include the URL to and the hashtag #wantyourself in your posts! And — because I want to thank you — be sure to tag me in your posts so I can see it and give you a proper shout-out!!

No really, it doesn’t. So many of you reading this have been subscribed since 2015, and many of us have been together since even before that. When I say this book is OURS, I mean it. We have been through so much together, and whether you know it or not, whether you have been here for 8 minutes or 8 years, whether you’ve come to an event or listened to a podcast episode or talked with me after a class or contributed to the WANT ecosystem in some way shape or form, you have helped bring this book to life. Please know I view this moment as a collective celebration. WE did this. Together.
In the meantime, leave a comment in Substack and (a) let me know you’ve preordered and (b) tell me what you wanna know about the book, the book publishing process, or anything book-related in the coming months! I wanna tell you EVERYTHING, so let me know what you’re super curious to find out.
Thank-you only scratches the surface. I am so very grateful to be on this ride with you, and can’t WAIT to party come October.
Here we go!!!!
****P.S. Wanna learn more about Want Your Self? Check out the latest WANTcast episode that went live today — I’m diving in!
I can’t do it this month but hopefully will be able to preorder before October! Most books I get these days are from the Libby app through the library and a just a week or two ago requested that they order a book that hadn’t been released yet. This is probably a weird question, but it got me thinking about whether that has any effect on presales/ratings? I know that in itself doesn’t count as a sale, just that there is interest...but I wasn’t even sure if libraries counted.